Sunday, April 3, 2011

#30DaysofBiking: Day 3 Fail

It didn't take long to miss a day! I was busy yesterday, doing other things, and just didn't get out on the trike at all. Doesn't matter. I'm going to keep trying to get out each day for at least a few miles.
I do have a small mechanical problem with the trike I need to solve. The chain keeps coming off one of the rear idlers. I'd left the guard off when I removed the chain tensioner and shortened the chain, so I need to put that back on. I thought the chain was tight enough that it wasn't necessary but that's clearly not the case.

#30DaysofBiking: Day 2 Sun Breaks

Sun Breaks

Once again I didn't find the time in the morning to ride, so I headed out after work. It had rained off and during the day, even had hail coming down at one point. When I was setting out it rained on me a bit but I soon got under a break in the clouds and enjoyed some sunshine. Despite the sun it felt colder than yesterday and the wind was blowing harder. It wasn't too bad on the way out but was much harder riding into on the way home. I only went a few miles before turning around and heading home again. Fun, but I'm really hoping for some better weather!

Friday, April 1, 2011

#30DaysofBiking: Day 1 Cold, Refreshing Rain

Water Over Trail

I first read about this over on Kent's Bike Blog and thought it was a fun idea. I've done similar challenges in the past and I had actually already signed up for a wellness challenge at work to do some activity each day so this fits in well. I can do both challenges at the same time! Bonus points! Then in May there's the Thurston County Bicycle CommuterContest to do, and in June I think I'll do my Mock Tour Divide Challenge again. I guess I'll put some miles on the trike!
I didn't get an  early start this morning so instead of a morning ride I headed out for an evening spin. I didn't go far, just out down the trail a bit and then back. Cold, refreshing rain pounded on me as I headed down the street. A short distance on I reached the trail and turned toward Yelm. I considered riding all the way to Yelm and back, but ended up figuring I didn't need to push that hard tonight. I might ride to work tomorrow, so I didn't want to wear myself out too much. I know, it isn't far for many people but six miles was enough for me tonight!