Thursday, April 4, 2013

Riding Again

Back in March I signed the pledge at the 30DaysofBiking site to ride each day in April. I've sort of participated before, without ever finishing riding every day. I usually do a few days, start missing days and lapse into my usual habits again. I thought that this year I might make more of an effort.

Then I was asked to take on an additional job at my day job, starting in April. The additional duties means an extra hour out of my day each day in increased commuting time. And its too far to commute by bike, so that means driving. I figured that was the end of this year's attempt!

Instead, I've gotten up each morning this month and I've gone out for a ride. Sometimes when you're busy, it is more important than ever to exercise. I'm not making any promises that I'll keep it up, but so far it's helping.