Saturday, January 5, 2013

Daily Challenge 4: Afternoon

I enjoy my early morning rides. Even the dark and the cold. It's nice, however, to get out in the afternoon when I can see the world around me. This was a good afternoon for a ride. Cold, not freezing. Cloudy, not raining. Not exactly a summer day, but still a nice change from most of my recent rides.

I weighed in today, down 2.5 pounds since the last weighing in December. That's a good way to start the year! With my surgery a couple months ago, and the recovery after, I've gained quite a few pounds. Nice to see those start coming off. I'm still a good 25 lbs heavier than I'd like to be. I've been eating better lately, much more leafy greens and vegetables, little junk food. It isn't quite primal/paleo, because I am eating some grains, pasta and bread and it isn't a raw food diet because I do have cooked foods and meat in there too. I'm taking things from both of those approaches, with an emphasis on raw plants, some meat and allowing some degree of grain-based and cooked foods.

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